Ukraine is not Africa – how we stopped Andrew Kramer inflicting more damage

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The recent statement by Secretary of State Antony Blinken @SecBlinken Nord Stream 2 is a fait accompli is impossible to accept as lifting of sanctions on Nord Stream 2 construction company, as a non-Russian entity, was a legal nuance and the pressure came from the German Foreign Ministry.  The situation of 2021 with Nord Stream 2 US-German pipeline agreement reminds the vicious 2019 where every possible American, a naturalized citizen of America, or just an America journalist who roots for Russia because it’s the only thing he/she studied in the university, had its very severe consequences to the point Ukraine was at the brink of civil war, Ukraine got under massive rabid Nazi smearing campaign, and people on Twitter let their Soviet / Communist ethnic cleansing desire loose just to get their revenge on, based on the false narratives they were fed since 2013.

The situation around Ukraine deteriorated around June 2019 when Bellingcat employed and let co-write articles on the country by people who made claims that didn’t have anything to do with the reality but when pointed out refused to correct themselves.

As it turned out September 2019 was the moment when, then German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who is born in 1959 in East Germany, and his upbringing shows signs of being loyal to the Soviet Union and the descendant, forced Ukraine to implement the Steinmeier Formula, he championed couple of years prior, to resolve the Russian military aggression against Ukraine at severe loss for Ukraine and its independence. The events in October 2019, when president Zelensky was into implementing the Steinmeier Formula regardless the political fallout and lives lost in the war against Russia, made the country closest ever to civil war because both sides were firmly standing at their intention.

The situation how rage against Ukrainians boiled over the tipping point due to Bellingcat contributors and Ukraine Nazi smearers requires on its own a full lengthy article where they used all the lowest possible energy on getting even without even understanding gravity of their actions.



On December 3, 2019 The New York Times journalist Andrew Kramer dropped his bombshell article “Ukraine Knew of Aid Freeze in July, Says Ex-Top Official in Kyiv” which stated something by resigned deputy foreign minister Olena Zerkal that she was upset to read to the point she demanded the article to be amended per her actual words. In a radio interview she stated Andrew Kramer asked her fishing question and he intended to paint the article as he wanted it to be, but not what she actually stated. The backlash grew to the amounts the New York Times staff, Andrew Kramer, and his editor Michael Slackman, refused flat out to do any amendments and that’s they last say. The things evolved to the point Olena Zerkal was ready to settle the matter in the court and was offended to the point that she refused to discuss or being involved in the resolving the matter any further.

Being a significant anonymous account @lennutrajektoor on Twitter, having substantial power and connections I decided that now is the time to make such things to end. That led to the moment an email was sent to editor Michael Slackman which made clear Ukraine is not Africa. The clear demand was – Andrew Kramer to be relieved from covering Ukraine at once. Michael Slackman, to cover his losses, forwarded the email to the New York Times Vice President and we, he and me, had most prolific cooperation to resolve the matter so, Olena Zerkal would be satisfied and such vicious attacks on Ukraine would happen no more as the 2019 showed what 5 years of relentless false narratives, subjugation of a country by American journalists and contributors will lead, especially 2 months prior that Ukraine was closest to the civil war ever witnessed since 2013.

I would like to take the opportunity and thank Ukraine ambassador to Austria, Olexander Scherba, who is only person from the whole Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine who has got back when asked or contacted and I have been trying to contact many persons from the ministry. With his help we sorted out the issue with Olena Zerkal, that was indicated to the Vice President of the New York Times and he honored the most important request – Andrew Kramer was relieved from covering Ukraine. The damage done so far is now preventable in the future.

The axiom Ukraine is not Africa is something that has to be reminded on regular basis to Americans, as they, at certain positions and stages on their careers disregard that and use the country as a stepping stone for advancing their career, agenda and income.

Although I was successful in making things right in December 2019, it seems that effort has to be re-used, reinforced, and reminded to Americans on very senior positions.

An article in regard of Nord Stream 2 and fait accompli remark by Secretary of State Antony Blinken @SecBlinken is in the making. It seems just proving Ukraine is not Africa is not enough to such attitude invoking person.

The email sent to editor Michael Slackman is here in full.

Dear Michael Slackman,

As the result of your action against Resigned Foreign Minister of Ukraine Olena Zerkal request to amend the article by Andrew Kramer [1]; my previous criticism on skewed emphasizes by Andrew Kramer on Ukraine [2]; my extensive experience of covering the Russian open military aggression against Ukraine for last 6 years; and my fresh experience of the results of insinuation of false narratives on Ukraine resulting in real calls for ethnic cleansing [3] of Ukrainians that Russian propaganda has professed on steroids since 2014 have prompted me 1st time ever to come out under my real name for an foreigner and state the following:

  1. You are liable to conform to the request of the Resigned Foreign Minister of Ukraine Olena Zerkal to amend the article due to false attributions.
  2. You are liable as the editor of New York Times to ensure the claims published are factually truthful; statements made by the interviewee to the point where the remarks given on insistence of the journalist with the clause off-the-record/on-the-record are honored fully.
  3. You are liable to make sure the published material won’t result in the foreseeable future or in the long run grave consequences to Ukraine.
  4. Your action against Resigned Foreign Minister of Ukraine Olena Zerkal has even prompted me to amend the meme by Joint Delegation of Canada to NATO as of 2014 to remind to Russia what Russia is not with what Ukraine is not [4].
  5. Relief Andrew Kramer covering Ukraine at once.

Ukraine is 2nd largest country in Europe by area, bigger than France. Ukraine would have had 2nd largest population in Europe if not 3 man-made famines (1921, 1932-1934, 1947) [5], the Stalin Purges, Word War II, the NKVD cleansing operations against the Ukraine Insurgence Army up until 1959. Olena Zerkal is the lawyer who leads the Ukraine delegation in the UN Court to charge Russia in terrorism and they have perspective to win. In last 6 years Ukraine has lost 13336 KIA and over 45000 WIA totaling at 58000 servicemen and their families affected in war against Russian military aggression, not to mention over 1.5 million Internally Displace People. Ukraine is an important and influential European state. Beside insinuations and animosity by some western MSM journalists in projecting American English false Nazi adjectives on Ukraine in last 6 years have resulted open calls of ethnic cleansing by their readers and supporters; and there seem to be no other way to stop making the false accusations than litigate them and involve state departments of national security both in Ukraine and abroad but mainly in the USA.

It’s an utmost importance interviews to be factually correct. The experience shows such mistakes are made deliberately to push the journalist’s career advancements. The consequences of such actions are real and people will sooner or later suffer. That’s why I saw the need to remind you of necessity of getting hold of Resigned Foreign Minister of Ukraine Olena Zerkal and honoring a senior official request of an important ally of the USA in Europe.

I hope my short email explains the gravity of your action. I also hope this stalemate will be resolved in acceptable way that is expected by an honorable outlet.



Best regards,

Dmitri Sädus



About my profile

I’ve been covering the events in Ukraine since Dec 3, 2013 and known on twitter as @lennutrajektoor as of beginning of March 2014. The person behind the handle is known to very few selected and mainly to other twitter users with who I’ve been in comprehensive contacts. Over the time I’ve achieve significant influence mainly due to providing credible information and relying on firm sources; also providing the information in the way it has purpose and value. Up until December 2014 I’ve been deeply involved behind the scenes with the events in Ukraine to the point I can’t disclose them to this moment due to its sensitivity. I have managed to get many influential followers and intent to continue my efforts, which has manifested itself in this email.

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