Putin will invade through the Belarus Chernobyl radiation zone.

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The problem now is on the receiving end there are living people among whom many will die. This won’t be civilized precision strike war – this will be eradication, ethnic cleansing, and levelling to the ground war.

The problem is not that hundreds of thousands of Russian army servicemen will go home in tin caskets. The problem is that in processes of sending hundreds of thousands of Russian army servicemen home in tin caskets many Ukrainians will die.


Belarus army group.

One thing people have missed keeping eye on the Eastern Ukraine border and concentration of Russian army battle groups is the Ukraine Norther flank. And that turns out to be most crucial – Putin have amassed so much battle groups there dragging through highly radioactive Chernobyl radiation exclusion zone that it becomes most crucial vanguard force that will take Kyiv from the West. All Ukraine main targets, cities or strategical points, will be taken by the pincer movement. Will it yield the promised help only time will tell. Carnage is underestimation what this war will look like. People of West have underestimated atrocities Russians are ready to commit and what it means when they occupy new lands of part of the territory.


Russian army combat helicopter airfield 35km from Ukraine border.

Not a single Russian army equipment left Belarus after joint-exercise. They all were deployed to Ukraine Norther borders, but most critically – most of land assault mechanized battle groups are deployed in Belarus side of the Chernobyl radioactive zone. The British Ministry of Defence assessment Russia will strike from Belarus with three spearheading assault groups is correct and we can confirm them independently. The one we talk about in this article is the one which is supported by Russian army combat helicopters and will take Kyiv from West – the rear.

Ka-52 Alligator is called a flying tank and it has been battle tested in Chechnya and have significant combat capability plus manoeuvrability of a modern combat helicopter. 30 of them or a brigade is something that can be tackled by AA / AD means or air combat between the helicopters. On this map it’s clearly seen  the airfield has been deployed with the purpose to clear the ground for advancing mechanised tactical armies.


On these visuals are given the flight formation and how the tactical combat helicopters have to be spread and spaced to be effective. Most important is to note the last helicopters are for EW suppression and EW warfare. EW warfare will be the key word in regard of ground forces.

Russian army will consolidate the army group that attacks Kyiv from the rear, West, in the Belarus side of Chernobyl heavily radioactive exclusion zone. As OSINT resources have noted the pontoon bridge over the Pripyat river was build again to deploy the mechanised tactical army to the striking position. Here’s the SAR and visual satellite pictures.

Russian army forces seen and reported by OSINT handles in Belarus Bolshoy Bokov and Dublin are the forces and mechanized tactical groups that have to through the highly radioactive Belarus Chernobyl radiation exclusion zone and use the pontoon bridge to get to the other bank of the river for the land offensive. The rendezvous destination is the Vepyr camp from where the free passage to Kyiv is open. The Russian army camp in Bolshoy Bokov also has moved itself through the radiation infested lands towards Vepyr rendezvous point.

This map shows the vast area of Belarus region where Russian army mechanized army group passed by and people managed to film it and upload which helps OSINT work by determine the area where they operation, how far they are from the designation and where is the possible destination. As seen on this map some Russian army groups already were on the correct riverbank side and had to just join them at Vepry camp. Yet it shows the determination and planning of Russian army General Staff plus the size of the tactical army that tries to cut Kyiv from the rear.


DNR forces move out.

Russian army proxy force DNR has largest armoured battle group army on the continental Europe. They achieved that in less than 12 months. Both Putin and Lavrov repeated constantly that these men are mere coal miners who revolted against bloodthirsty Ukroi Nazi mad bandeera hordes. No one, not a single politician in last 8 years – 2014 – 2022 understood that Russia armed them in less than 12 months making them into a Russian army with proxy troops who are fully dependent and supplied by Russian army, and by 2019 connected to Russian army General Staff chain of command.

On Feb 23, 2022 morning DNR, on orders of Russian General Staff, moved out on Mariupol meaning they went South and have to take positions at Volnovaha, where Ukraine army positions are located. The footage of DNR army group moving out contained 13 main battle tanks from which one had upside down Assad Armed Forces flag, and the other Russian Federation flag.

On this map Russian army DNR proxy tactical army group and Russian army GRU Spetsnaz units from Rostov moved out to directly take Mariupol. Mariupol is known as the city that was defended and maintained under Ukraine thanks and only thanks to the Regiment “Azov”.

Communists who intentionally and with bad intent bad mouth the Regiment “Azov” don’t understand what they do and their actions are criminal.

The fact Russian army comes to take Mariupol from Rostov is continuation of 2014 where Kadyrov personal army forces tried in Novoazovsk overrun the regiment “Azov” but got substantially defeated. Russian army GRU spetsnaz arriving by the same route is expected.


Potolovka army group – Slvyansk and Kramatorks

First time seen located by us the base which is spearheading towards Slavyans and Kramatorsk. Kramatorsk is important settlement due to its airfield. In 2015 Ukraine army deployed there their SOF forces and resided the HQ to sone time. At which state the airfield is now and what army forces are there located is unknown.  Slvyansk and Kramatorks are repeating the events of 2014. Due to previously reported Valuyki has combat helicopter airfield it gives significant importance to Potolovka camp as this is essentially copy-paste of the army group that is intended to strike Kyiv from the rear – West.

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