Russia’s 8-year war of genocide – Feb 28 / March 1, 2022 Harkiv bombing.

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On Monday Feb 28, 2022 Russian army started to resort to their usual tactics of war by shelling on regular basis residential areas of city they are about to occupy. The goal of this action is to render the city into inhospitable pile of ruins and make people incapable on functioning by inflicting horrors of destructions normal people never experience and never expect. It’s an effective way to break people and to make them to concede with the terms forced upon during negotiations that are clearly unfavourable for the victim. The sole goal of the Russia’s 8-year war of genocide on Ukraine is full and total eradication of Ukraine ethnos, if necessary ethnic cleansing of all 45 million Ukrainians.

The start of Ukraine bombardment on Feb 24, 2022 by broadcasting a 4 days prior pre-recorded video addressing with declaration of war, considering the fact “recognition” of DNR / LNR was pre-recorded and signed hours before the National Security Council meeting recording session, which in reality was test for loyalty rather than counselling, started the spiral of events that lead to constant and increasing level of Harkiv artillery shelling. On the 3rd day, 72h after start of the new hot phase of the Russia’s 8-year war of genocide, the most intense and savage bombardment of Harkiv took place. What happened on February 28, 2022 is in-line with Russian army doctrine and artificial increase of civilian casualties to make humans incapable of resisting.

The same scenario rolled out in occupied Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014 where the Russian army, the Russian army proxy terrorist organisation forces DNR / LNR on order by the Kremlin and Russian army General Staff intentionally shelled residential bloc to have casualties whom to show in the evening news.

As Russia’s renewed hot phase of the long war has been planned as taking Harkiv and using it as an example for other Ukraine cities to follow in surrendering, thus making the war quick and less costly for Russia they always need the pretext of casualties among civilians for propaganda machine where in reality they kill civilians as part of the war winning strategy.

Even people with 2014/2015 residential shelling experience felt what happened on Feb 28, 2022 was beyond what have been experienced prior. The fact such development will take place is long known for some but usually it is easily dismissed because extreme extermination of civilians and their homes is so rare and beyond humanly acceptable the majority thinks it won’t happen.

We tweeted on Feb 27 the necessity to eliminate Russian army Belgorod battle group artillery capability when the most violent shelling at that time took place. Why there can’ be international steps taken to make this end is something we can’t comprehend nor has anyone cared about Harkiv most probably it’s a distant and alien city. Harkiv, with its 1,4M population, is bigger European metropolitan than Stockholm, Amsterdam, or Brussels. No one would have had allowed bombardment of those for 5 straight days and yet now we are at the first day of mass casualties that does not make to the international headlines and the evening news.

On Feb 28, 2022 at 13:20, and hour and ten minutes later at 14:30, Russian army shelled with rocker artillery cluster munition residential area of Harkiv. This was most substantial bombardment as it just did not bring death and destruction among unsuspecting civilians, it exceeded everything has ever happened during the daytime. In the morning of the same day at 9:00 Russian army shelled with a mortar shell killing two civilians on the streets at a residential area.


As of Feb 28, 2022 Russian army and Russian army Gerenal Staff with their Commander-in-Chief had resorted to commence with around the day and night unpredictable bombardment of Harkiv to serve as a demoralizing weapon. International journalists and media outlets refuse to share most horrific pictures citing being too gore. Wars are ruthless but to hide what Russia does is not helping to stop it. We can not share this stand point as the whole idea of media reporting is to report reality not smooth it for the viewer’s pleasure.

First footage of Harkiv shelling by cluster sub-munition at 13:20 showed the devastating effect it had on civilians. The streets are riddled with people who died, bottled next to the bodies as they were to collect water for personal need because over the weekend shelling some parts of Harkiv were left with no water. People who have had Soviet past know water interruptions are normal and the need to collect water either from a cistern or a central water tap on the street is a norm.


The destruction of residential are and houses has also brought the news what no one ever expects – death of children. Two 10 y.o. boys were about to collect water per parents request and they tried to hid from the sub-munition shelling by hiding at the garages. Unfortunately, that didn’t save them. They died and that happened to witness another 10 y.o. boy about whom the news of their deaths became known in public domain.


As people were recovering from the shock of first bombardment next wave came at 14:30 that brought the main evidence to what extent Russian army is ready to kill and mutilate to have its victory over Ukraine by killing the civilians.

People flee in panic from the falling main booster of rocket artillery sub-munition shell and not having the training or sense of civil defence are fleeing in panic or want to enter any door that leads inside the building that would provide cover.


An older lady’s foot was severed in the result. On the video it seen she is taking care with first aid techniques by applying tourniquet on both legs. When her torn leg is show one can see half of brain of someone who died instantly. Later the news comes she dies in hospital. Her identity and age have remained unknown.


The fourth shelling of Harkiv was this time with conventional artillery rounds hitting specifically highrise residential houses with the purpose killing people and depriving them from their homes. Even of there was no casualties these houses of civilians are destroyed and they have become someone who is in need for help. In an instant capable Ukrainians are rendered into ones who need for social services.

In the result 16 Harkiv residents were killed during Feb 28, 2022 daytime shelling. But the story does not end here. Russian army artillery has resorted to around the clock shelling of the city.



When the night fall Russian artillery started shelling other housing areas trying to hit them but mainly to cut off the cities electricity capability as this will throw it into darkness and incapable of functioning. This happened at 22:00.


The shelling of Harkiv extends also to civilian infrastructure such as schools, kindergartens and Ukraine Army Tank Forces Academy. That was destroyed on Feb 28, 2022 like the day prior Harkiv school number 134. Russian army opened fire on March 27, 2022 on Harkiv school number 137 only because those who survived the morning battle with the Russian army Spetznas troops that entered the city were questioned in the school as the battle took place next to it. It could also be regarded Russian army used Russian artillery to liquidate their captured troops to prevent leak of information of get rid of commitment to rescue them.


On Monday first time was heard Russian army using self-propelled mortar 2S4 Tyulpan on Harkiv which 240 mm shell has a very specific sound during its flight. These mortars were meant to destroy nuclear blast withstanding concrete constructions underground. The use of that mortar on continental Europe was prohibited by Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) that Russia has withdrawn unilaterally.

Nothing that happened on Feb 28, 2022 has made to the minds of people around the world. Not a single condemnation or anything close to outrage on the open extermination of Harkiv civilians has taken place around the world. The world has morally betrayed Ukraine. They might sympathise with them but they lack any actual understanding what happens In Harkiv is more important than their live in their small European cities. Europe is living off on the security that the European countries East of them are providing.

Nothing will help to bring back the two 10 y.o. boys or the lady with torn off leg. All 16 people who died on Feb 8, 2022 died for nothing and for the world they are invisible someone.

What in reality started to happen, and that has been known as modus operandi of Russian army, is the increase of civilian casualties in the bombed cities. On March 1, 2022 Russian Air Force started to conduct air raids on Harkiv residential areas and houses directly hitting the houses and crippling to the point those become inhabitable.  The day began with Russian Air Force bomber hitting first house.


Over the whole March 1, 2022 six Russian Air Force bombers did air raids on Hariv, three of those planes were downed, two pilots captured, one committed suicide [3]. Russia used first time their precision munition to hit Harkiv city governing house that destroyed not just the building but also the main square. On the Russian state TV midday news, they will officially say the raid was carried out by Right Sector neo-Nazis air raid commandos [4].

On the same day Russian Air Force used on Harkiv 16 (sixteen) cruise missiles launched by Russian strategic bombers which are meant for carrying nuclear bombs. Harkiv is being bombed with cruise missiles by Russian strategic bombers that should carry nuclear weapons. Russian army launched mid-range Tochka-U ballistic missile on Harkiv which was probably downed by Ukraine air defence as Tochka-U explosion would have had significant crater and destruction and never in the history of that weapons has it been used against a metropolis. Late night of March 1, 2022 a Russian Ari Force bomber dropped a thermobaric bomb on Harkiv into unknown location. Use of such areal destruction weapon in a city or proximity of a densely populated area is unheard of act of war but consistent with Russia’s Soviet mindset and the goal of Russia’s 8-year war of genocide on Ukraine. On March 1 late night Harkiv residents again went through Russian army rocket artillery cluster sub-munition bombardment that is scary even when one watched on video.

Compared to Feb 28, 2022 shelling of Harkiv the acts of atrocities committed on March 1 make the bombardement the day before look like nothing special. This is the same tactics Russia has used before – gradual acceptance. This can’t be allowed and it has to be stopped. The events in Harkiv have to broadcast as they are unfolding, with all the atrocities and results it has brought shown uncensored and the world has to wake up because Harkiv is bigger than most Western European cities but for some reason they don’t care what is happening there.

We predict Russian Air Force will soon start dropping thermobaric bombs on residential areas and significantly increase the number of civil casualties. This is unthinkable when would have had happen on Stockholm, Amsterdam, or Brussels and this is the reason why all the people who have feelings must pressure the West to act now because a day lost means manyfold more deaths among Harkiv residents.

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Here is the footage of Russian Air Force bomber dropping a thermobaric bomb on Harkiv on yet unknown place.




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