Russia’s 8-years war of genocide on Ukraine: March 9, 2022 Mariupol maternity ward bombardment.

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As of result of Russian Air Force bombardment with a 1000kg areal bomb on besieged Mariupol maternity ward and children hospital quarter by March 10, 2022 reports three people were killed, including one child [1], 17 people injured including women in labour [2]. Unknown was the killed child new born but the fact lies this was a medical facility quarter for pregnant women and child healthcare. What Russia committed is an act of genocide but that act is one episode in Russia’s 8-year war of genocide on Ukraine.

Ukraine MP Dmytro Gurin tweeted among other the result of Russian army air raid. This photo is now part of world’s history of the face of Russia’s genocide conducted around the world.

Human being is built in the way it needs visual information to grasp the whole situation. Resources can report factual reality but when the visuals of the tragedy support the written narrative it creates the perception that is easier to grasp. We would emphasise on Peter Leonard tweet and acknowledge the work of Zhenya Maloletka @EMaloletka and Mstyslav Chernov who are in besieged Mariupol, live through all the air raids and bombardments Russian army and artillery is conducting and still function among this conducted genocide as human beings who are doing their job and provide the so necessary visual information what the Russian army do with the city.

After the bombardment of Mariupol maternity ward people started to report Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported 4 hours prior the bombing of their fake story as official statement the Mariupol maternity ward is cleansed from the patients and had been rendered into headquarters for Ukraine army marines and National (Nationalistic) battalions. National battalion in Russian is indistinguishable from Nazi battalions and in reality, that is exactly what the Russia’s official state doctrine – nationalism of Ukrainians, ethnic identity as Ukrainians on their territory, is an act of Nazism. Despite pushing, keeping, safeguarding and living in that self-made information bubble they know what they do by bombing civilian infrastructure critical for survival of civil population which is the very basis on genocide conducted in Ukraine to kill Ukraine ethnos into submission to humiliating conditions by eradicating their basis of ethnos and genetic descendants.

Russian MFA spoke person Maria Sakharova:

“… one of such hundreds of examples in Mariupol national battalions [read: Nazi battalions] threw out the staff and the patients from the maternity ward. Deployed there firing positions …”

This is exactly the same operational mode what Russia dd in 2014 when they occupied Crimea and started the war in Eastern Ukraine where Russia’s Ministry of Foreign affairs became one of hybrid war attack vectors on Ukraine by spreading very deliberate fabricate false prior the atrocity, they were to commit to justify their actions by denying their involvement despite the fact they planned and carried it out.

What happened on March 9, 2022 is the implementation of the same sae exact operational mode of the whole Russian government where the actions of Russian army are whitewashed by Foreign Ministry which makes the same artificial pseudo claims like the whole state media. The very fact the whole system produces the content which they are the sole consumers is the pillar of their existence. Remove that pillar and the whole concept collapses.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs employs the whole state apparatus to keep alive artificially produced content by employing even Russian ambassador to France who denies any Russian army involvement and blames Ukraine national battalions that is the synonym for Nazis battalions in their parlance.

The biggest problem of lie and artificially construed narratives is in their inability to be consistent over time unlike the real events taking place. On the next day March 10 Russian Ministry of Defence issued a statement where they say:

“Russia’s Ministry of Defence on the rumours of air raid on Mariupol maternity ward.

“Allegedly taking place “air raid”” – fully staged provocation to sustain ant-Russian resentment for the Western audience”

By this very statement alone the Russia’s Ministry of Defence threw under the bus Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Foreign affairs Lavrov and the spoke person of FMA Zakharova who justified the necessity of air raid on Mariupol maternity ward as pre-emptive measure for destroying artificially produced content on Ukraine marines and national battalions settling in the premises. The notion of the Mariupol maternity ward bombardment is a staged fake with crisis actors was birthed by Russian state media and other hybrid war strategist after the horrendous pictures of the woman on her last leg to labour emerged between the ruins of Mariupol maternity ward.

Last time Russian MFA went so full retard was in July 2014 when they shot down Malysian MH17 Boeng over Ukraine with FSB smuggled BUK Anti-Air battery of the 53rd Air Defence Brigade.


This isn’t the first time Russia is ethnically cleansing civilian population and infrastructure.

Cherkasov Alexander in Facebook posted:

“Can’t forget. Grznoy maternity ward 21st October 1999. “Tochka-U” (along with the market, mosque, and so on). From all the ballistic missile attacks on that day in total 140 civilians were killed, around 400 were wounded. Natasha Yestemirova there miraculously dug herself out from the telegraph building ruins. She was the eyewitness, she petitioned from the Memorial NPO, but all in vain: the criminal case was never opened.

Now they hit the Mariupol maternity ward. This is chain of irresponsibility, chain of criminal acts.”

Garry Kasparov was right – if Putin won’t be stopped now with hard means he will go further. Russia already stated this war won’t stay within the borders of Ukraine.

What happened with Mariupol maternity ward must be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.




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