Russia’s 8-year war of genocide: The Mets.

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Marina Met 14.02.1980 – 05.03.2022 (42)

Ivan Met 04.12.2009 – 05.03.2022 (12)

Bucha is a city 50k North-West from Kyiv that has been known as a cosy suburbia. It all ended on Feb 24, 2022. It also became the place where Russian army coming from Belarus radioactive exclusion zone reach Kyiv from its Norther side that requires them to cross Bucha. It has been known Russian army has orders to open fire and kill civilians, including residential houses. Usually, all the civilians killed remain anonymous because they don’t get into international news. Only such rare cases like the Mets are brought to wider audience by journalist and other resources that try to preserve the memory whose life has been interrupted because of Russian army conduct they always have been doing during the Soviet Union period, namely WW II. The Red Army did kill civilians with great pleasure and the whole war in Ukraine remains the Red Army conduct they employed when they went for 2nd time to conquer continental Europe in 1944.

The fact the graves of Marina and Ivan Met are in a park indicates they were killed during evacuation by either artillery shell, mortar or MLRS cluster bomb. The fact is they died together – mother and son. That knowledge won’t ease the pain because none of them deserved it and their deaths were necessary for the Russian Federation representatives to push Ukraine for submission due to heavy loss among the civilians.

It’s fortunate the graves are marked and we can associate them with the Mets as many don’t have even that privilege.


The 42 y.o. single mother Marina Met and her 12 y.o. son Ivan Met got instantly killed on March 5, 2022 when a Russian army howitzer shell hit the brand-new residential area house courtyard and the roof of the building. Per the footage on in the tweet it the man who filmed the aftermath shows the grave are dug in the playground for the dogs. At least they have their own graves unlike the other who are buried in the mass grave like one in Bucha.

It took for the head of Bucha hospital 2 days to dig the mass grave and 2 days to prepare the dead. On March 12, 2022 67 bodies were buried into mass grave. This is the reality of war the dead, both civilians and the Ukraine fallen soldiers might be buried right where they fell. The war does not allow to have proper burials. The war allows burial in mass grave only. The personalised burial is only when far away from the front-line and war activity.

This is Marina and Ivan Met on June 19, 2018.


Two days prior her death she forwarded a Facebook post on call to help to transport a 7 y.o. girl who got a severe shrapnel head injury whose operation now required 2nd operation in Kyiv’s Neurosurgery hospital. Due to shelling and danger civilians could not get to Kyiv and the person asked help to notice the territorial defence units to help transfer her to the capital.

The girl’s mother and older brother got killed in that shelling. She remained the sole survivor of the family.

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