Russia’s 8-year war of genocide: The deceased pregnant is just a beginning.

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On March 14, 6 days after Russian Air Force bomber air raid on Mariupol maternity ward the news broke out the pregnant woman on the stretchers died along with her baby. Mariupol is completely surrendered city. There’s no way out in any shape or form. The news of her death travelled 6 days to get outside the city.

In reality the still unknown and not yet identified pregnant woman died on the same day. She died withing hours after the incident. It’s just the way how wars function – events take place and the wider audience gets the news later, much later.

Because in Mariupol burial ceremonies are unthinkable the deceased pregnant woman and the child are buried in the mass grave somewhere near where she died. This is the reality of war. There are no possibilities to bury anyone anywhere farther than the closest plot of land.

The ER doctor who received the patient stated she was the most severe cases of all the three who arrived. She had crushed pelvis, severed right hip, in state of shock. When she reanimated and attempted to stabilize, they performed c-section on her. The child was with no sign of life reanimation of the child within 30 minutes gave no result. The attempt to reanimate the pregnant woman did not yield any results for 30 minutes and she passed away. The unborn child died in mother’s womb. She followed her unborn child soon.

Russian Ministry of Defence right on the next started to give their contribution to the state produced artificial content for their hybrid war means. On March 10 Russian Ministry of Defence issued a statement where said:

“Russia’s Ministry of Defence on the rumours of air raid on Mariupol maternity ward.

“Allegedly taking place “air raid”” – fully staged provocation to sustain ant-Russian resentment for the Western audience”

Despite the fact Ministry of Defence contradicted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pre-announced air raid on the Mariupol maternity ward statements that is still the way how the state artificial content creation works. By March 14, 2022 the Russian Defence ministry official interpretation is there was no air raid, the victims are crisis actors, and the whole bombardment was a staged fake operation. This is also the official premise of the online doxing that has been stated to use in online conversation.

On March 14, 2022 Mark Kofman posted a very sternly worded message with the picture of the doctor who described in details the death of the pregnant woman with her unborn child. The message says:

“Mister Chumarin (Timur Chumarin is the doctor in Mariupol), after the end of cleansing Mariupol from the Nazi force, you will be summoned into local MGB (predecessor of KGB which name has been resurfaced again on the occupied territories serving the same punitive functions as KGB) for testimonies in regard of the fake deceasing of the pregnant woman and her “dead on arrival” child.”

In case if Mariupol should fall to the hands of Russian army the reality is Mariupol doctor Timur Chumarin will be executed. This is not an exaggeration as this has happen before. This is how the Soviet Union and NKVD functions and the contemporary Russia is nothing more than Soviet Russia of 1922 with the Bolsheviks’ Red Terror.

In 1937-1940 NKVD during the Stalin’s Great Purge executed in Odesa at least 8000 people. Some estimations are around 40000. In 2021 an Odesa historian found a field with repeating ditches at the former territory of the NKVD base where remains of several people per ditch were found with bullet holes on the skulls. He found those graves only thanks to the meticulous work of a doctor who had been tasked by Romanian occupation forces in Odesa to document the found mass execution graveyards. He succeeded in documenting up to 300 remains with very detailed pathoanatomic description. When the Red Army and the Soviet occupation came back to Ukraine NKVD detained the doctor in Odesa and send to Siberian death camp for 10 years. His on only crime in the eyes of the Soviet occupiers and NKVD was his meticulous documentation of executions NKVD carried out.

There is no shadow of doubt doctor Timur Chumarin will be executed by Russians if Mariupol should fall. Mariupol is fully encircled city that the marines and regiment “Azov” will defend to the last man but the perspective the defence of city might fall is real considering strategic city Volnovaha has been captured by Russian army which is the only north-south supply road to the city.

The defence of Mariupol is not something should just dismiss. The defence of Mariupol is survival of the people who won’t starve to death in the city. Russians have rendered Mariupol into Leningrad of 1941 where they didn’t allow to evacuate any civilian and let to starve to death at least 1,5 million residents despite the fact Leningrad of 1941 was never encircled, it had fully supply of goods but for factories only, and the NKVD officials had every lunch a three course meal with the problem of which sweet to pick for dessert.

The reason why besiege of Mariupol reminds Leningrad of 1941 lays in realization the are both Soviet made famines with the purpose to kill as many civilians as possible or use them as human shield. The story of Leningrad 1941 will be covered in another article.


As of March 14, 2022 at least 2187 civilians died in the city of 430000 residents within 18 days of the 3rd hot phase of Russia’s 8-year war of genocide on Ukraine. The pregnant woman and her died in the womb from Russian Air Force bombardment child are among the 2187 civilians.

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