Milena: from besieged Mariupol to hospital in Zaparohya due to Russian army shelling.

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The Russia’s 8-year war of genocide in Ukraine has started to make headlines only when it turned into 3rd hot phase on February 24, 2022. Despite the fact there’s constant stream of credible and right from the source information that is provided to the world, the consumption of the war reality in Ukraine has become the summary in the evening news. Like it’s fine to get a picture withing 3-minute news reel. The problem is no, is not suffice. It’s not sufficed to understand the war is genocide in its purest form. That still everyone looks at the genocide conducted in Ukraine by Russia from Russia’s perspective. Ukraine, despite it miraculously was ready to bury the enemy into the ground with no mercy gets almost no attention. Like it’s nothingburger. What Ukraine deliver now defines history for several millennia.

This miracle comes at a price. The price is in human lives. Despite the fact the fierce fighting Ukraine army, marines, territorial defence units, national guard, police, special operation forces, special designation forces (SSO) make extraordinary results the loss among civilian population is 10x to 20x fold higher than combat loss even at Russian army side. Yes, this is not a mistake – the cost of war in civilian lives is approximately in 450000 – 900000 lives. Both killed, wounded or missing because their body has been mutilated or become mixed with collapsed rubble.

Biggest loss of human lives is in Mariupol but also Chernihiv and Harkiv are on the same level. On March 23, 2022 Chernihiv told they bury 40 civilians a day. On the day when Russian Air Force bombed Mariupol Drama theatre Chernihiv was shelled by Russian army artillery killing many in a bread line but in total on that day 53 residents were killed including an Anerican citizen.

Russian army kills Mariupol residents on purpose. The siege of Mariupol is carbon copy of 1941 Leningrad because this is what the Soviet Union and the Red Army dd – used civil population as human shield and had access to Leningrad open at least from two sides which allowed to bring in food and raw material for manufacturing but they let at least 1,5 million people in Leningrad starve to death, resort to cannibalism, eating pets, or scrapping the wallpapers because Soviet wallpaper clue was heavily based on starch – heavily nutrition rich substance.

Mariupol 2022 is Leningrad 1941 with the sole difference Soviet Union, or Russian Federation in other’s parlance, is the attacking side. Mariupol 2022 reminds Warsaw uprising 0f 1944 because this is what the Soviet Union, the Red Army, and Stalin personally did – waited on the right bank of Vistula River Germans to wipe out the Armia Krajowa and present it by history falsification as liberation of Warsaw that the world takes as if it actually was that made-up way.

All analogies the world comes up with what takes place in 2022 Russia’s genocidal war in Ukraine is the fault of West and Western democracies and societies complaisance. Indifference to genocide n Mariupol. Indifference to genocide n Chernihiv. Indifference to genocide in Harkiv. The whole attention has become by western media outlets as competition for patting themselves on the back for pushing how good and game changing, they are by providing this or that weapon system to Ukraine.

“Ukraine does win this war not because someone delivered them modern weapons. Ukraine wins this war because they chose to fight till the last man.”

This is the reason why we are seeing what Pavlo Kovtoniuk tweets. Russian army is not interested in survivors. They are here to eradicate the whole genetic lineage of Ukraine ethnos and this is why they shell Mariupol evacuees when they are almost reaching destination in Zaparozhya. They want to mentally deprive Ukrainians from any hope they ever stay alive even when they got out from such unthinkable hell as Mariupol.

Milena is just one of such cases. In fact, we don’t know till this day how many has died in Mariupol or on the way out. Even when the first evacuee column got out and shelled by Russian army at Zaparoshya no one has reported the number of casualties.

Our article on that is here –


“I give many interviews these days. The most frequent question is: how healthcare in Ukraine is affected by the war? Well, this is how. The nativity of western people how Ukrainians are doing within those 28 days of war of genocide is beyond insulting – This girl, Milena, was injured during military action in southern Ukraine. She was evacuated to Zaporizhzhia Children’s hospital. It receives evacuees from Mariupol, a city that is almost entirely wiped out. Russian military constantly attacks hospitals. 61 attacks as of today. Zaporizhzhia Children’s hospital has not been shelled. Yet.”

(photo by @libe,



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