Russia deports Ukrainians to forced labour concentration camps but a British journalist ask for evidence.

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On March 23, 2022 in Kyiv a British journalist in absolute lowest moment of his reasoning asked carelessly from Mayor of Kyivv Vitaliy Kltichko: “Do you have the evidence you might have seen a potential Russian war crime?” [1] Whoever was the British journalist what he did was saying: “Show me the evidence!” with all the implication that sentence brings in English speaking world. The question asked by the yet unknown journalist in the context of genocidal war conducted by Russia deserves a serious reprimand because the British journalist just don’t understand what he is doing professionally and it shows how utterly disrespectful the person is towards the Ukrainians.

The 2022 genocidal war is not just re-enactment of old Soviet war conducting practice that neglected the meaning of human life but the 2022 genocidal war is resurrection of everything the Soviet Union repression mechanism did have produce with all the purges and systematic ethnic cleansing that was neglected by the West in 1941 when they enabled Stalin with lend-lease that cost us the European security framework and lead to the Cold War.

Genocide conducted by contemporary Russia, which in reality is the purest form of 1922 – 1937 Soviet Union, has resurrected everything the Soviet Union was, conducted and made happen including the forced labour concentration camps.

This article is about the testimony of one of Ukrainian who has first-hand experience what Russian army per the official orders conduct and we want that British journalist to back off with his attitude and once in his life listen and learn a lesson from much wiser people who know, remember, and can publish the atrocities committed right in Ukraine, right in 2022, reminding the ones like in 1922.

On March 24 Ukraine Military Intelligence GUR reported Russia is forcefully deporting detained Ukrainians to Russia into filtration camps where they are sent to Sakhalin, Far-East. This is first time the known activity conducted by Russia has been openly stated.

What GUR announced is GULag forced labour concentration camp resurrection. What this means is restoration in full colours the Soviet Red Terror system that operates in full throttle. We are at the level of human extermination and ethnic cleansing the Soviet Union conducted during Lenin’s reign. What this means Putin has turned into pure bred Stalin who knowingly will deliver and fulfil what Stalin dreamed, including conquering Europe for full Soviet rule of law domination.

Full statement by the Ukraine Military Intelligence GUR [2]:

“Ukrainians who have been deported to the Russian Federation are offered employment in the Sakhalin region.

The Russians are carrying out large-scale activities to relocate Ukrainian citizens from the occupied territories to the Russian Federation. Following the passage of filtration camps, Ukrainians are sent to economically depressed areas of the Russian Federation. A number of northern areas, in particular Sakhalin, have been identified as the ultimate destination. Ukrainians are offered formal employment through employment centres. The consenting parties receive documents prohibiting leaving from Russian regions for two years.

To date, information has been confirmed on the establishment of a Russian filtration camp in Dokuchievsk, Donetsk oblast. The civilians, whose documents are seized from them, are being transported there in massive quantities. People are “processed” by FSB officials. Their aim is to find participants of ATO (2014-2015) / JFO (2015-2022), Ukrainian military and law enforcement members. Additionally, people are then transferred to the Russian Federation, in particular to Taganrog (Rostovsky Region) and Krasnodar province. There are irrefutable evidences of inhuman treatment of Ukrainians, lack of medical care. Food problems are noted.

We remind that the forced displacement of civilians into the territory of an aggressor State, in particular children, constitutes a grave violation of international law, in particular international humanitarian law, and a further proof of the Russian Federation’s treatment as a terrorist State.”

The Russian Federation regions mentioned are poorest. Any indication of a possible “employed” is diversion. There is no work even for the locals. At the same time, it does not mean the forcefully deported Ukrainians will be exempt from forced labour. All the details and background GUR reported is exactly how GULag functioned. This is absolute resurrection the GULag forced labour concentration camps system. We know because this is how the Soviet Union and NKVD ethnically cleansed 30% of Estonian population during two Soviet occupation periods. If Russia should win the war in Ukraine the country would succumb into 3rd Soviet occupation. Every Soviet occupation period has brought to Ukraine most severe ethnic eradication and forced repopulation that is the reason why in Eastern Ukraine Russian language seems to be the dominant – it’s a Soviet Union artificial re-population designating people to industry and manufacturing facilities.

On March 25, 2022 Mariupol city council made an urgent announcement in regard treatment of the residents of the city by the occupying Russian army [3]:

“The Council of Mariupol reports that residents of the Left Coastal Region are being massively transported to the Russian Federation. They are forced to board buses, pick up documents and then take them to filtering camps, from where they are distributed to different regions of the Russian Federation. Putinists, the fascist of the 21st century, has already taken about 6,000 out.”

An Ukraine twitter handle @juliefounddead posted on March 24, 2022 thread on her acquittance experience escaping Mariupol. This is first-hand testimony and such finds are critical. The world and especially the English-speaking world ignores what in reality Russia conducts in Ukraine, thus enabling the Soviet atrocities, again. We are translating her thread in the way she wrote with all the emotions Ukrainians use in spoken language.

For the f u c k ’ s sake! People I know got out of Mariupol. I wouldn’t call it “getting out of” – they were deported under the machinegun barrels to some Russian retarded region. No one had contact with them over two weeks. In one occasion they found a chance to call to Ukraine. They are literally in a concentration camp. They were taken out of from the shelter (people in Mariupol shelter themselves in basements of the house they live) and put on the buses, otherwise they would have been executed. No personal belongings, no phones, no money, no documents. They are forced to work in various villages (plural). The ones who don’t comply they disappear. Concentration camp – it’s figurative. At first, they were on some kind of tourist camp in a Russian retarded land, and then they were spread around the cities and villages. They are forced to work and raise the Russian language i.e., the economics.

On March 5, @DocFrm posted a message from the same day from Maxim who wrote!

“For the fuck’s sake! Acquaintances of my mother from Mariupol contacted her. They almost made out of the city but their column was seized by Rusnya (normative language decorative expression to Russians, Russian army, or Russian Federation) and deported them to Rashka (normative language derogative noun for Russian Federation), took away the passports and they are now on the way to be deported to Sakhalin … The acquaintances decided to flee at any cost back to Ukraine.”

The cover pager picture is photo of first GULag forced labour concentration camp in the Soviet Union that was based on experience of the Soviet Red Terror and elimination of problematic element that has led to such eradication of humans it’s still not researched area of Russian and Soviet history. Because Russian Federation hides that period of their history the Western countries who didn’t admit even in 1941 the atrocities Soviet Union committed prior 12th of July 1941 want to overlook those because it’s easier for their conscious. Yet this genocidal war conducted by Russia in Ukraine is on the very same basis of falsification of historical truth. Inability to accept the truth even by the western countries and democracies, and demeaning people who are telling the West, is falsifying their own history because it’s easier to live since they enabled the Soviet Union and Stalin on 12th of July 1941 and that lead to raise of Soviet Union to the level West perceives it and it ushered the way to the Cold War.

On the picture is first official GULag forced labour concentration camp opened in 1938 which later will be nicknamed Vorkutlag. In Vorkutlag mortality of detainees exceeded any feasible figure that the Nazi concentration camps ever achieved. If British media can’t accept Stalin and Soviet Union supplied Germany during the whole Battle of Britain with the clear intent of Hitler winning the United Kingdom then we are having serious issue here because we are on very different baseline where to start any attempt of reconciliation.

What people of the Soviet occupation will never accept is the audacity to let the West override us just because we are. We were the receiving end. We have very clear memories of that past. The fact the West forces us into submission and demeans our right to speak and at the same time showing all the sings of lacking any ability to learn what we have been telling has now come back with a British journalist in the middle of Kyiv during Russia’s 8-year war of genocide 3rd hot phase asking from mayor of Kyiv Klitchko does he has any evidence of supposedly committed atrocities is insult beyond believe.

The war in Ukraine 2022 reminds the war Soviet Union waged against Finland, the atrocities they committed on Finnish children in 1943. Ethnic cleansing of 1940-1941, rapes committed on Estonian, Polish, and German women in 1944-1945.

What the events in Mariupol has shown is that the Soviet Union, yes the Soviet Union and not Russia, with its absolute neglect to human lives, ethnic cleansing and disappearance of not aligned with people, is the resurrection of the Red Terror of the Bolsheviks that is now reality and people of Ukraine are facing.

This is our war, not the war of West. The West will be de-Nazified next after Russia will be de-Nazified during this war. The West has splendid chance to change and learn once in their life. Otherwise, we have to come after you.

We hope we can get hold of with the British journalist who asked that horrendously ill-suited question and have a deeper discussion of the lack of sympathy he expressed on everyone, not just on Ukraine.

Vorkutlag, opened in 1938 Vorkuta. The gates of Vorkut ag remind the later erected Nazi concentration camps that will be operated after the Soviet expertise transfer 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact brought. The sign says over the main gate arch says:

“Труд в СССР — дело чести, дело славы, дело доблести и геройства!”

This is the Soviet equivalent of “Arbeit mach frei”

As of March 16, 2022 the bomb dropped on Mariupol Drama theatre has killed at least 300 people. [5]

As of March 27, 2022 Russian occupiers have deported from all over Ukraine 439420 Ukrainians, among whom 91673 are children. [4]

We hope the British journalist who asked the question from mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitchko has now sufficiently evidence of crimes against humanity, including resurrection of Soviet forced labour concentration camps evidence he was after. What we have here covered does not even scratch the surface.

We ask the reporter to get in touch either via @ValefOrg or valdef[at]





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