The Oath of the Ukraine Nationalist.

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The oath of the Ukrainian nationalist was created in 1922 after the defeat of Ukraine by Soviet Russia and the Red Army. Nationalism is the leading force among the Ukrainians for the maintaining of national identity in an environment of repressive foreign yoke. The Ukrainians still do not understand that this was their first occupation, and their sense of nationality and the prospects of statehood were given a new respite when, in 1941, Stepan Bandera published the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine. For this, the Germans sent him, his brother, and his father to a concentration camp, but served as the basis for the establishment of the UPA, the Ukrainian Insurgency Army, and for Ukraine’s true independence as a sovereign state. The seen in the video act of swearing-in the Oath of the Ukraine Nationalist by the members of Regiment “Azov” took place in 2014 just before they went on the offensive to liberate a settlement from a Russian army unit and their proxy force DNR.  In the background are seen the vehicles and brothers in arms awaiting to move out to the combat mission. This video, the swearing-in of Oath of a Ukrainian Nationalist, the Oath of the Ukrainian Nationalist itself, has been unprecedented anger and intransigence all over the world for accusing the Regiment of “Azov”, the Ukrainians, and the Ukrainian state of Nazism, right-wing extremism and of radical hatred of foreigners purely because they are always confident in expressing their identity and feel as part of society. Since the Ukrainians do not know how to defend themselves against the blows and taunts of the outside world, it is necessary to step out in their defence and make every Western intellectual pay for what they have allowed themselves to say about the regiment “Azov” for the last 9 years. Everything they have done or said about the Regiment “Azov” has caused real damage, damaged the fighting ability of the Ukrainian army, and nearly costed the Regiment “Azov” in 2019 to be added to the international terrorist list because of arrogant behaviour of an American senator.  The fact that Mariupol is currently Ukraine is only and only thanks to the regiment “Azov” when they went to the city in 2014 and bare-handedly beat the Russians out of there while completely destroying the local police building, where the Russian army’s special forces seized and secured it to prevent the building being capturing being loaded up with the weapons to the brim.  The current defence of Mariupol is a joint work, and “Azov” is here playing a leading role in fixing the battle victories, public relations, and acts of horror against civilians in the city. “Azov” has become synonymous with fear for the opponent. Once upon a time, a Ukrainian army platoon commander was asked if he was afraid of the Kadyrov combatants of the Russian army. He said, “I’m only afraid of the “Azov” servicemen.”


The Oath of the Ukrainian Nationalist is the official oath of the Regiment “Azov”.


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