Russian state TV war journalist: We will exterminate you into submission.

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People have been shocked of Russian army brutality on Ukrainians, civilians and civilian infrastructure that has been eradicated by Russian army. That has been long known for neighbors of principality of Moscow as such barbarity is not the first time to witness. The difference between now and then is the availability of information. In past we learned about the atrocities from stories. Some made to the books, some made to the history lessons. The more the acts of atrocities are undisclosed the better and quicker to finish. Quicker in the sense the total acts of execution, torture, rape, dismembering, beheading and other inhuman behaviors on the victims can be carried out to the point the victim will lose any sense of life before the person will be finally ethnically cleansed. One thing that astonish is the fact for the whole month on occupied territory of Kyiv region there was no connection with the outside world to the point not a single person who was ethnically cleansed, tortured, sadistically treated could have had send the distress signal. The other problem is the world news organizations don’t pay attention to the process when it takes place but when it has happened. This is why we want to inform that shock everyone experiences from the pictures of Russian army deeds stem from poor knowledge of their acts of past. Also, the sheer understanding what they are capable of is absent and the reason is reluctance of Europeans to listen, learn, and start to act.

Russian state TV war correspondent said openly, being embedded into Russian army forces that annex and ethnically uproots Ukraine cities and settlements openly stated that they know they cleanse and uproot ethnically everyone, they will continue cleanse and uproot ethnically everyone, and that cycle won’t stop before Ukraine is brought to submission.

The problem with this statement is no one in the West notices and the Western citizens and leaders act as if nothing special is taking place.

The only reason why Russia conducts the war in Ukraine is genocide – full a total extermination of Ukraine ethnos and genetic lineage, if necessary, all 45 million citizens.


“Russian state-media TV war journalist Aleksandr Sladkov said Russia on purpose levelled Mariupol for teaching to the residents of other Ukraine cities, to intimidate the Ukrainians and force them into surrender to the Russian occupation forces as quickly as possible.”


The problem with this statement is no one in the world pays attention and genocide that takes place in Ukraine is still enabled by many in the West and so called free and democratic word.

We know what Russians are about. We just will make the West and democratic countries to listen and learn what we are talking about.

Mariupol, mid-April 2022.




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