They fought and died averting Russia’s genocide in Ukraine.

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We are publishing the names and obituaries for Ukraine army servicemen who died in the war against Russia’s genocide in Ukraine. On April 16 president of Ukraine Zelensky officially announced 2500-3000 Ukraine army servicemen have been killed and around 10000 are wounded. That’s a heavy toll on Ukraine.

During the 2014-2015 war with Russia Ukraine army lost 14000 killed, 45000 wounded and in total rotating 450000 men. The figures were announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs Avakov.

Even now the casualties of Ukraine army are unbelievably high.

The list on fallen Ukraine army servicemen is not final. We don’t intend to count them. The purpose is to commemorate them, their sacrifice and their pick to fight regardless of the cost. As Ukraine have gone into counter-offensive the number of killed in action have increased dramatically.

This is our contribution to commemorate them. This list will be updated as far as there are new announcements coming.


24th February 2022

Lieutenant Vladyslav Ukrainets

Date of death 24th February 2022.

Hero of Ukraine

Lieutenant Vladyslav Ukrainets – Awarded medal Hero of Ukraine with Golden Star (posthumously).

Lieutenant, commander of mechanized platoon separate motorized infantry battalion, killed in action on 24th February 2022 being on the Antonivska bridge in Herson oblast. Died as a hero providing cover for departure of the others from oncoming enemies.


26th February 2022

Soldier Vadim Smenatskiy

Date of death 26th February 2022.

Defending Ukraine from the enemy died 26-year-old soldier Vadim Smenatskiy from Gayvoron (Kirovograd oblast).

The hero got killed in action on February 26, 2022. He was survived by father and brother.

Eternal memory!

Glory to the nation!

Death to enemies!


28th February 2022

The Ukraine army 16th OMBr helicopter Mi-8 crew:

Colonel Alexander Grigoriev, 1983

Captain Dmitriy Nesteruk, 1997

Senior Lieutenant Vasily Gnatyuk, 1999

Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death 28thth February 2022

On 28 February 2022, the crew of the Mi-8 helicopter carried out a combat mission to counter the armed aggression of the Russian army. An enemy missile hit the helicopter near the town of Makarov in the Buchan district of Kiev. We’ve lost contact with the crew. It was only after liberating the Kiev oblast from the invader that the bodies of our defenders were taken away.

A glorious memory of the Ukrainian heroes, who, from the first minute of the attack, stood up to defend their homeland!



13th April 2022

Dzmitry Rubasheuski

Belarus Foreign Legion of Ukraine army

Date of reporting 13th April 2022

Hanna Liubakova:

Another Belarusian died in #Ukraine. Dzmitry Rubasheuski is from Brest. He came to Ukraine to fight in 2015 and joined the Armed Forces. In 2019, he was seriously injured and lost his eye.

Belarusians die in the war that Russia launched against Ukraine


11th April 2022

Roman Merkov, 93rd OMBr “Kholodnyi Yar”, sub-lieutenant

Aleksey Soblyan, Belarus. Hero of Ukraine (posthumously)

Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death 11th April 2022

In fighting for Ukraine in the Kharkov region, a 93rd OMBr “Kholodnyi Yar” a 27-year-old sub-lieutenant Merkov Roman died. He was from Kamensky in Dnirpo region.


14th April 2022

Regiment “Azov”, Defenders of Mariupol.

Each defender will be named separately. The commemoration video was made by the Regiment “Azov” to draw attention to the necessity of deblockading Mariupol.

Everyone featured in the movie got killed in action defending Mariupol.


Roman Kalmykov

Regiment “Azov” in Mariupol

Date of reporting 14th April 2022

Roman Kalmykov, a student of Vinnytsia National Technical University, died defending the hero city of Mariupol.

He was only 21. He was, he is, and he will be …

Rest in peace.


Svyatoslav Svistun “Svyat”

Volunteer Battalion “Carpathian Sich”.

Date of reporting 14th April 2022

In combat with the occupant (the Russian army) got killed in action Svyatoslav Svistun “Svyat”.

From the first day of the war he joined volunteer battalion “Carpathian Sich”.

His father was during the battle along with him, getting heavily wounded.

Eternal memory and glory to the hero!


Aleksandr Gorshkov

Date of reporting 14th April 2022

In the battle for Ukraine (against the Russian army) got killed in action Kirvoy Rog resident Aleksandr Gorshkov.

He is survived by wife and two children.

Eternal glory to the hero!


15th April 2022

Date of reporting 15th April 2022

Regiment “Azov” Territorial Defence Unit Donetsk.

Date of death To Be Defined

Reported by Vitalii Ovcharenk:

Died my old comrade from (football) fanatic movement Shakthar – Syava.

On my first football game against Luhansk team in the year 2006 he was standing one line in-front of me. He turned around and said: “Watch my back”.

Sleep well my friend.

We will protect you!

Date of reporting 15th April 2022

93rd Brigade “Kholodnyi Yar”.

Date of death To Be Defined

Posthumously two soldiers of Ukraine army 93rd Brigade “Kholodnyi Yar” were rewarded with Hero of Ukraine medal. At the cost of their lives these two Ukraine army servicemen gave opportunity to move forward.


16th April 2022

Olena Kushnir

Master Corporal, Regiment “Azov” combat medic, defender of Mariupol

Date of reporting 16th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

On March 15 she made plea to save Mariupol after the Russian army combatant seized Mariupol hospital no 2. On April 16 she was awarded with the medal of Hero of Ukraine. She was survived by her son who she managed to get out of Mariupol. She was a single mother.



Alika Tsaava, ethnic Georgian living in Georgia

Zaza Bitsadze, ethnic Georgian living in Georgia

Arkadi Kasradze, ethnic Georgian living in Georgia

Date of reporting 16th April 2022

Georgian Foreign Legion of Ukraine army

Date of death To Be Defined

3 Georgian heroes died while fighting the Russian Army in Rubizhne today.

Rest In Peace Arkadi, Alika and Zaza.

Georgia and Ukraine will remember your sacrifice forever.


Andriy Kravchenko

Date of reporting 16th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

Ukraine defender Andriy Kravchenko got killed in action in Kyiv region after running on a Russian army anti-tank mine.


Vitaliy Vasilik

Date of reporting 16th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

Vitaliy Vasilik was Russian Ukraine war veteran defending homeland between 2014-2016. He volunteered in 2022 being the senior mechanic in servicing armoured vehicles.  He was only 36-year-old.


17th March 2022

Konstantin Tumanov

Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

In a battle heroically was killed in action a serviceman from Dinpro.

At Harkiv in a battle heroically was killed in action Konstantin Tumanov who fought to the last with the Russian occupiers. The Ukraine warrior was survived by wife and two children.



Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

On the right is Denis. Today he died, for freedom, for the freedom of Ukraine, for the free world, for each of us, our Warriors hold the sky above our heads and go to heaven, for a peaceful sky above us, above the world.



Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

My brother Alexander died at Avdiivka (Donetsk region contact line between DNR and Ukraine). Volunteered. Born in Heherson. Married, lived in Dnipro. When war stated went straight to protect the homeland. And straight to hell. I don’t know how to say how hard it is to take it. Alexander. Brother and best friend in my life. He was with leadership skills. We were very close friends. Wait for me, brother.


Anton Sidorov, Captain

Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death 19th February 2022

Minute of silence. Anton Sidorov, the scout, the name “Varyag”. He was 35 years old. On 19 February, shelling of artillery fire on Donbass, prohibited by the Minsk Accords (120mm mortar, 152mm and 155mm artillery pieces and self-propelling batteries) died. Composer of the song “Rest well, my brothers.” Anton Sidorov is survived by wife and three daughters.


Ruslan Siksoy

Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

A brave warrior went to the heavens. A loving father and husband, a true Ukrainian Risan Siksoy.

Glorious memory and eternal glory. Light clouds …

Heroes don’t die.


Vyacheslav, “Syava”

Shakthar football fanatics club member

Defender of Mariupol, Regiment “Azov”

Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

It’s with great pain and sadness to report the death of one of among us, Ultras Shakhtar,  Vyacheslav “Syava”.

Slava got killed defending Mariupol from the Russian yoke.

Syava, you’re with us forever!


Roman “Sedoy”

Shakthar football fanatics club member

Defender of Mariupol, Regiment “Azov”

Date of reporting 17th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

Brothers and sisters, with great saddens we repot that, some time ago, one of our active member of Shakthar football fanatics club Roman “Sedoy” died heroically in defending Mariupol.

Sleep tight, brother, we’ll get revenge!


18th April 2022

Vitaliy Belyaevskiy

Date of reporting 18th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

Member of Ukraine army volunteer battalion, partner of a major Ukraine law firm.

This is our colleague Vitaly Belawski, managing partner of a major Ukrainian law firm. He refused to leave and emigrate from the country, joined the Ukrainian armed forces and died in the fighting for Irpen, liberating the Kiev region from the Russian military.


20th April 2022

Kirichenko “Brodyaga” Daniil

Defender of Mariupol, Regiment “Azov”

Date of reporting 20th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

During the defence of the hero-city Mariupol which the army of Orcs retards still continues to level to the ground heroically was killed in action Brodyaga (Kirichenko Daniil). Brodyaga was a real hero but also, he was a good man whom are very little in this world. Mariupol – the hero. Azov- steel. Heroes don’t die they go to the better world!

Daniil Kirichenko – Luhansk resident and patriot. His path of warrior began in 2014. At 16 he dismissed half of Luhansk after that joined among the Regiment “Azov” ranks where he served 8 years.

Roman Rusnik

Date of reporting 20th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

Roman Rusnik was awarded Hero of Ukraine posthumously.


Mikhail “Azov” deputy commander. ethnic Greek.

Born in Mariupol, Regiment “Azov”, Deputy commander.

Defender of Mariupol.

Date of reporting 20th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

The Azov Battalion member who joined Zelensky in speaking to the Greek Parliament has reportedly been killed in Mariupol


Nina, combat medic

Date of reporting 20th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

Army medic Nina Kvasha has been killed in battle by the Russian Army.

Rest In Peace Nina.


Zenya Eschenko

Defender of Mariupol

Date of reporting 20th April 2022

Date of death To Be Defined

Killed in action for Ukraine!

Gave his life for our freedom, Zhenya Eschenko, he died heroically, defending Ukraine’s hottest point, Mariupol, the most hellish place in the world today.

He has been survived by wife and a little daughter.

Our heartfelt condolences to our family and friends… eternal memory…

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