Russian army aircrafts and aerial targets shot down by AKM, PKM, ATGM, MANPADS

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Effective air defence is crucial part of every war considering air superiority is the key for land forces success. Ukraine army has shown extraordinary creativity when it has come to downing the enemy aircrafts. Also, the air defence consist in many layers, which has expressed in this war Russian army and Russian Air Force to adopt to the necessity of flying low in order to avoid being shot down by air defence batteries. That has allowed for Ukraine army taking down some aircrafts by extraordinary unconventional means.

The most widespread and effective mean to take down low flying aircraft is MANPADS. MANPADS greatest shortcoming is their limited range but that’s the part of the game.

We are starting to list all the kills made by the Ukraine army on different aerial targets but mainly by means that did not require proper AA battery.

February 26, 2022

Russian army Mi-24N Hind flying low to avoid Ukraine army anti-air defences went to a mission at 20-meter height in Sagy, Herson region Herson in the first days of war was the hottest region because Ukraine army tried to defeat the oncoming Russian army forces who had the maps and Ukraine army strength assessment via their double agent in SBU. That gave the advantage as they were able to tackle Ukraine army. The battle in Herson was fierce and losses among the Russian army huge.

The price of flying Mi-24N Hind combat helicopters resulted in its crash after a Ukraine army AKM machine-gun operator managed to damage on of the helicopters. It bursts into flames but managed to fly 17 kilometres before it gave up and went down. The locals who filmed the battle loss were quite happy the Russian oppression is going down. Based per the size of flame there were no survivors.

AKM by which the Mi-24N Hind was shot down looks this.


Undated March kills.

On April 17 images of Ukraine army FIM-92 Stinger operator training Ukraine army servicemen to properly work with the MANPADS. The operator was a person who has shot down with FIM-92 Stinger a Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopter and a Su-25 Grach bomber. The exact days when those kills were made will be identified later. This is first time when Ukraine army has confirmed they have killed a Ka-52A with FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS.

The training might have been related to Russian army planned advances in Harkiv region as there will be increased need for MANPADS operators and the specific MANPADS has been designated per certain army units. This army unit has been designated with FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS.


April 15, 2022

93rd OMBr, Igla-1, Ka-52A and Mi-8, Sumy region.

On April 15, 2022 in the dark of the night the 93rd OMBr took down a Russian army Ka-52A combat helicopter with Igla-1 MANPADS. Due to the loss of the combat helicopter Russian army send a Combat SAR mission on Mi-8. That aircraft was shot down too. Pilots of both aircraft got killed.

It’s unknown how the 93rd OMBr servicemen pulled off shooting down Ka-52A with Igla-1 in the night as it has no sighting capability in night.

On April 17 the wreckage of Ka-52 during daytime was revealed.



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