
Tag: Ukraine army

Russian army aircrafts and aerial targets shot down by AKM, PKM, ATGM, MANPADS

Effective air defence is crucial part of every war considering air superiority is the key for land forces success. Ukraine army has shown extraordinary creativity when it has come to downing the enemy aircrafts. Also, the air defence consist in…

Regiment “Azov” combat medic Olena Kushnir: Don’t pity me. I’m a medic, I’m a combatant, I’m a Ukrainian.

On April 16, 22022 arrived the news Regiment “Azov” combat medic Olena Kushnir had been killed by the Russian army combatants in Mariupol. She became a known face when on March 15, 2022 made a statement of Russian army combatants…

They fought and died averting Russia’s genocide in Ukraine.

We are publishing the names and obituaries for Ukraine army servicemen who died in the war against Russia’s genocide in Ukraine. On April 16 president of Ukraine Zelensky officially announced 2500-3000 Ukraine army servicemen have been killed and around 10000…

On the 12th day Russian army changed the war tactics.

On the 11th day of the 8-year war of genocide Russian army has restored to 2014/2015 trench war tactics where they take up industrial areas near the major roads and cross roads and dig-into the ground by erecting fortifications and…

Russian Navy battleship destroyed and sank by Ukraine army Grad MLRS fire.

On March 7, 2022 Ukraine army opened fire on Russian Black Sea flotilla battleship project 22160 “Vasiliy Bykov” with Ukraine army rocked artillery Grad MLRS fire when it patrolled the waters at Odesa. One of the most crucial forces in…