SA VALDEF: ERR uudised and Delfi attacks on Ukraine by resurrected Soviet propaganda Nazi smearing methods are unjustified

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SA VALDEF has send two official rebukes to ERR uudised and Delfi parent company Eskpressmeedia AS for expressing explicit condemnation for their participation of using resurrected  Soviet propaganda method of Ukraine Nazi smearing by publishing the Russian pushed narrative where by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in 2014 officially regulated and approved national symbols and legitimate official greetings are under attack by Estonian media outlets due to maleficent intent of a foreign state player under pretext of the upcoming major football event.

In Delfi Sport article [1] the used phrase:

“„Героям слава!“ (“Glory to heros!”) was used by Ukraine nationalists from whom some collaborated during the II WW with the Nazis to fighting against  the Soviet Union”

and in ERR uudised article [2] the used phrases:

“… but has to due to its militant background remove from the jersey [slogan] “glory to fighters””


“ … Russian Foreign Ministry press spoke person Maria Zakharova on Thursday to the media … ”

are unacceptable for the media outlets who represent European values and remember historical events as they took place, especially those that conduct their operation in the European Union and on the territory of Republic of Estonia.

ERR and Delfi have by their official channels attacked the Republic of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine, the Ukraine national football team and the Ukraine historic memory.

  • „Слава Україні!“ stand for “Glory to Ukraine”, „Героям слава!“ stands for “Glory to heroes!” The greeting was coined by UPA/OUN that became official when they got established in 1942 and used during the period 1945-1954 fighting against Ukraine occupying Soviet Union.
  • Stepan Bandera was for Ukraine 1941 independence declaration arrested by the Nazi Germany occupation forces and put into prison where he was sentenced to death by execution.
  • Stepan Bandera’s Ukraine 1941 independence declaration is considered the foundation of sovereign Ukraine after the short period of Republic of Ukraine of 1918-1920 that was attacked by the Soviet Russia and de facto ceased to exist due to occupation.
  • The NKVD conducted in 1945-1954 several special operations against UPA/OUN which included extermination of villages and Ukrainians to falsely accuse UPA/OUN on such acts.
  • After the successful escape of Stepan Bandera in the 1950’s to Germany, Munich, the NKVD started to recruit a defector among the UPA/OUN whose mission was to carry out assassination of Stepan Bandera.
  • In 1959 Munich the recruited by the NKVD agent Bogdan Stashinsky shoots from a pistol specially prepared by the NKVD for the assassination a poison ampul into Stepan Bandera from which he bleeds to death.
  • In 2010 President of Ukraine Viktor Jushenko awards Stepan Bandera posthumously the title of Hero of Ukraine.

As one of the foundation articles of SA VALDEF states we help to preserve Ukraine’s historical legacy, hence we, SA VALDEF, to prevent the ongoing violation of law against Ukraine would like to by ERR uudised and Delfi do the following:

  1. ERR uudised and Delfi remove fully the articles [1] and [2]
  2. ERR uudised and Delfi publish official apologies for conducting legal attack and making the false Nazsi accusation against the Republic of Ukraine.
  3. ERR uudised and Delfi will not in the future publish articles curated by Russia to publicly attack history of Ukraine and their sovereignty.

This is a minimum ERR uudised and Delfi can do for the current ongoing unlawful act of discrediting historic memory and take under control the information Estonian media outlets publish in regard of Ukraine. At the same time shows the editors at ERR uudised and Delfi acknowledge they have made a mistake in regard of the actual historic events and prevent hereafter intensifying degenerated interpretation of historic events.

The article contains screenshots of the problematic articles with highlighted sections.


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