Help us grow. Let’s help the Ukraine army to win the war.
SA VALDEF, Sihtasutus Vabaallikate demokraatia fond, or Foundation Open-Source Democracy Fund, asks for donations to help build us up necessary supply chains between the Ukraine army units and the manufacturers of non-lethal and possible lethal-help. We need to develop our services and capability to provide the content we make in more different languages and format. Your donation will have significant weight helping to deliver what we need. Donations to SA VALDEF are tax deductible for private residents and corporations within Estonia.
1. We need to have access to commercial satellite imagery to have better overview of the current situation and negotiate with known contacts in the Ukraine army how to benefit for them.
2. We want to establish supply lines between manufacturers of various battle capability enhancements and the Ukraine army units which take under the supervision for delivering the necessary help.
3. We need develop process of our content to be accessible on different languages as the historic similarity between the events and countries have shown the need to provide factual information, plus cover the current unfolding events.
We are aiming to raise in donations 50000 (fifty thousand) EUR.
In case of questions get hold of us via or valdef[at]
Beneficiary’s name: Sihtasutus Vabaallikate demokraatia fond
Registration number: 90015092
IBAN / Beneficiary’s account no: EE587700771005364384
Have questions? või valdef[at]